Visual Studio For Mac Angular 4
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open source.
Use the Visual Studio debugger to quickly find and fix bugs across languages. The Visual Studio for Mac debugger lets you step inside your code by setting Breakpoints, Step Over statements, Step Into and Out of functions, and inspect the current state of the code stack through powerful visualizations.
PreviousDave Herman @littlecalculistI ported my first nontrivial JS lib to @typescriptlang and it was a pure joy. What a lovely piece of technology.
Gabriela Mendes @Kappyh@typescriptlang is really awesome O-O'
I just wanted to post this because I am curious to see what others think. If league had an offline mode, what do you think it would be like? In my opinion, it would be epic if there were short levels where you could play a part in a champion's lore. For example, if there was a level where you. Tutorial / Guide on how to play League of legends in Offline mode! Appear offline to everyone else. This will let you play league while your client is offline. Chat will still work ingame, but. Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK' thread, or anything in between, you can find it here. Offline mode. Bloody Fang28554 (NA) submitted in Gameplay. I hate when I have no wifi and just want to play League of Legends I wish there was an offline mode where we could play against bots or just practice using new champions Commenting is disabled Quote; Login to comment. For example, if the offline mode did pass at Riot for patch 5.6, any patches after that won't be added to the offline client until the client itself has access to the main site (battle.net?) Going off the example above, let's say there's a visual or rework on a champ in patch 5.8 but the last the client was updated was 5.7.
#TypeScript is really awesome! I'm glad to see people are using it in some of #Preact projects. #FrontEnd#Webpack#Programming
Michel Weststrate @mweststrateI'm highly impressed with @typescriptlang 2.3; powerful enough for meta programming; mobx-state-tree has its type-system 90% expressed in TS pic.twitter.com/618W3JVTbV
Tatu Tamminen @_Tx3Microsoft has really done great things with @typescriptlang and @code. TypeScript gets really nice features and VS Code is stable and fast
Carly Ho @carlymhotypescript has some really great, useful error messages that give you feedback on allowed types, etc.
Micah Godbolt @micahgodboltTypescript + Intellisense is a game changer. I don't want to work without them ever again. Projects are easier to pick up, have less errors https://t.co/YqUGdSgUiY
Tung Nguyen @v2r_red#TypeScript + #vscode => a great combination 😍 Awesome works 👍
Why TypeScript Is Growing More Popular https://t.co/WqYMzzXjDP
But seriously, in every project I've converted, TypeScript has found bugs. And rationalizing the types leads to much clearer code.
Tim Ruffles @timruffles@typescriptlang is like having a extra colleague noticing dumb mistakes and doing grunt work. If you’ve not tried it yet, get in there!
Remo H. Jansen @OweR_ReLoaDeDI just completed a huge refactoring in a #node app. It took me two hours thanks to #TypeScript. It would have taken me days without it..😊
James Henry @MrJamesHenryIt’s truly incredible how far @typescriptlang has come in the last 9-12 months! Unhappy with 1.8? Take another look - 2.x is another level 🚀
NextStarts and ends withJavaScript
TypeScript starts from the same syntax and semantics that millions of JavaScript developers know today. Use existing JavaScript code, incorporate popular JavaScript libraries, and call TypeScript code from JavaScript.
TypeScript compiles to clean, simple JavaScript code which runs on any browser, in Node.js, or in any JavaScript engine that supports ECMAScript 3 (or newer).
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Strong tools forlarge apps
Types enable JavaScript developers to use highly-productive development tools and practices like static checking and code refactoring when developing JavaScript applications.
Types are optional, and type inference allows a few type annotations to make a big difference to the static verification of your code. Types let you define interfaces between software components and gain insights into the behavior of existing JavaScript libraries.
State of the artJavaScript
TypeScript offers support for the latest and evolving JavaScript features, including those from ECMAScript 2015 and future proposals, like async functions and decorators, to help build robust components.
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These features are available at development time for high-confidence app development, but are compiled into simple JavaScript that targets ECMAScript 3 (or newer) environments.
The command-line TypeScript compiler can be installed as a Node.js package.
- Install
- npm install -g typescript
- Compile
- tsc helloworld.ts
Visual Studio
And More..
TypeScript is being developed on GitHub. The TypeScript compiler is implemented in TypeScript and can be used in any JavaScript host.
Read the specification on GitHub or download it as a docx or pdf.
Play with the bits and file bugs.
Join the #typescript Twitter discussion and follow the GitHub project.
We love TypeScript for many things… With TypeScript, several of our team members have said things like 'I now actually understand most of our own code!' because they can easily traverse it and understand relationships much better. And we’ve found several bugs via TypeScript’s checks.”
“One of Ionic's main goals is to make app development as quick and easy as possible, and the tooling support TypeScript gives us with autocompletion, type checking and source documentation really aligns with that.”
“TypeScript helped us to reuse the team’s knowledge and to keep the same team velocity by providing the same excellent developer experience as C# .. A huge improvement over plain JavaScript.”
“By combining Aurelia with TypeScript for modern web, mobile and desktop development, we've seen what is perhaps the most beautiful and elegant app development workflow to date.”
TypeScript has helped ensure that Dojo 2 will be built on rock solid foundations, which will make enterprise development better. TypeScript gives us all the benefits of ES6, plus more productivity, … and responsive support from the TypeScript team.”
“TypeScript is a smart choice when writing a modern web- or JavaScript-based application. TypeScript’s carefully considered language features and functionality, and its consistently improving tools, result in a terrifically productive development experience.”
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