What is AUTO-CAD in hindi (ऑटो कैड क्या है?):-
जब हम अपनी ड्राफ्टिंग टेबल पर ड्राइंग शीट (sheet) लगाकर कोई ड्राइंग बनाते हैं तो हमें पेंसिल, रबर, आदि टूल्स की आवश्यकता होती है. इसी प्रकार कंप्यूटर पर कोई ड्राइंग बनायीं जाती है तो एक प्रोग्राम की आवश्यकता होती है, ऐसा ही एक प्रोग्राम auto cad है. इसे हम सॉफ्टवेर भी कहते है.
auto cad, इंजीनियरिंग ड्राइंग की विभिन्न प्रकार की आवश्यकताओं को ध्यान में रखकर बनाया गया है. इसके द्वारा हम लाइन, वृत्त, elipse, बहुभुज (polygons) आदि सभी प्रकार की आक्रतियाँ बना सकते है. वस्तुओं के orthographic अथवा isometric projections (प्रछेप) भी auto cad के द्वारा बनाये जा सकते है. इसके द्वारा पहले से बनाई गयी ड्राइंग में संशोधन करके पुनः ड्राइंग बनाई जा सकती है.
As Autodesk's flagship product, by March 1986 AutoCAD had become the most ubiquitous CAD program worldwide. As of 2014, AutoCAD is in its twenty-ninth generation, and collectively with all its variants, continues to be the most widely used CAD program throughout most of the world. Top free autocad notes in hindi downloads. Nucleon File Master is handy and reliable viewer for AutoCAD P&ID DCFX, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Visual FoxPro, XML, dBase, SQLite, EffiProz, IBM Lotus Notes, Paradox, CSV, Text and Html Table file formats.
auto cad के कई version आ चुके है, अपनी आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार कोई भी version प्रयोग किया जा सकता है. जैसे:- ACAD-10, ACAD-11, ACAD-12, ACAD-2002, ACAD-2007 आदि. Doom 2 unblocked.
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Factors Affecting Solid Waste Management System
Following are the factors affecting solid waste management system, its design, development, and operation: Institutional Factors Social Factors Financial Factors Economic Factors Technical Factors Environmental Factors
Collection of Solid Wastes
Collection of Solid Wastes and separated waste in an urban area is difficult and complex because the generation of residential and commercial-industrial solid waste takes place in every home, every apartment building, and every commercial and industrial facility as well as in the streets, parks, and even vacant areas.
Generation of Solid Waste
Generation of solid waste is a result of natural, human and animal activities. Knowledge of generation of solid waste is important in the planning, designing and operation of solid waste management system. Generation has two aspects: One is the quality of solid waste and the other is the quantity of solid waste.
Functional Elements of Solid Waste Management System
A comprehensive solid waste management system comprises of six basic functional elements including generation of the solid waste, on-site handling & storage, its collection, transfer & transport, material and resource recovery and disposal. Generation of solid waste is a result of natural, human and animal activities. Knowledge of generation of solid
Types of Solid Wastes - Based on Origin and Composition
Solid wastes are the organic and inorganic waste materials such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, kitchen refuse, paper, appliances, paint cans, batteries, etc., produced in a society, which do not generally carry any value to the first user(s). Solid wastes, thus, encompass both a heterogeneous mass of wastes from the urban
What is Right of Way - Definition & Factors Affecting RoW
The right of way is the total land area acquired for the construction of the roadway. Its width should be enough to accommodate all the elements of the roadway cross section, any future widening of the road and any public utility facilities that will be installed along the roadway. Right of way is the area of the road acquired for carriages way + other